Friday, October 30, 2015

"Snack Time II", Work-in-Progress

"Snack Time", Oil on Linen, 8" x 6"

My painting, "Snack Time" was sold at the Opening Reception of the Setauket Neighborhood House Annual Exhibit.  Once a red dot was placed next to it, several people approached me, saying that they were disappointed that it sold and that they were planning on buying it as a gift for a loved one.  I was told that the subject was so "inviting" and "comforting".  Sometimes a depiction of simple moment in time, can make people reflect and be transported to a joyous moment in life.

 I've decided to paint another version of "Snack Time" for the snack lovers out there.  I completed the initial block-in and first layer of color.  Stay tuned for the final product.


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