Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Art Exhibit: Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts

Melissa Imossi "Grace", Oil, 28" x 36"
Iacopo Pasquinelli, Oil, 21" x 60" (Upper Left)
Opening Reception

I'm honored to have my painting, "Grace" selected for the 104th Annual Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts exhibit.  It's a highly competitive, national exhibit - there were about 500 entries this year.  My husband, Iacopo, also has artwork in the exhibit. If you are in CT this month, it's worth a trip.  The exhibit showcases artwork in all fine arts media - painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, fiber arts, including large-scale pieces that are really impressive in person.  The exhibit is on view daily from 11-5pm. until August 2, 2015.

104th Annual Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts Exhibit
Mystic Arts Center
9 Water Street
Mystic, CT