Thursday, March 31, 2016

Book Recommendation: "The Art Spirit" by Robert Henri

Now that I'm teaching art, I have been on the lookout for good material to use in class.  This book has many wonderful quotes and teaching lessons that I will pass on to my students.  Robert Henri (1865-1929) was an artist and inspired teacher at the Art Students League of NY.  The book is a compilation of his theories and beliefs about the art of making art.

Here's an excerpt that I find meaningful for students who don't want to put in the hard work necessary to acquire the tools necessary to express themselves properly through their art :
"I have heard it very often said that an artist does not need intelligence, that his is the province of the soul.  All very lovely, but heads painted by such artists are very flat and a great medium of expression is lost to them.  They recognize and make much of the measures across their flat surfaces, but miss all the wonder of depth... If the man has the soul of an artist, he needs a mastery of all the means of expression so that he may command them, for with his soul in activity he has much to say."

Monday, March 28, 2016

"Breakfast with Fellini II", Oil, 6" x 6"


This oil painting depicts an espresso cup with the image of Federico Fellini, the great Italian director, painted on the front.   I paired the biscotti with the cup, keeping with the Italian theme.  The painting includes the 3" pewter frame.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Exhibit: "Palate to Palette"...

I was pleasantly surprised to have a painting of mine, "Breakfast with Fellini", printed in the calendar in the February 26th, Sunday Edition of the New York Times.  The painting will be on display at the Lyme Art Association in Old Lyme, CT until March 13th.  Some of my other artwork is hanging in the current exhibit as well.  Take a look if you're in the area.  For purchase information, call the Lyme Art Association at: 860-434-7802.